Services This Week
Dear All,
Services this week are taking place in person or via livestream through our YouTube Channel. Please find gathering times and service sheet links below:
Friday 6 January
10.30am - BCP Holy Communion Service
(Revd Dr Mark Scarlata)
Sunday 8 January / The Epiphany
11am - Holy Communion Service
Sermon: ‘A Light to the Gentiles’
Other news:
Giving: As always we are grateful for all of your gifts! Offerings may still be given during this time via a basket collection during live services, Standing Orders, or one time bank transfer, via BACS [SORT: 20-17-19 / ACCT #: 30851477 – “St Edwards Church Vestry Fund”]. There is now also a SumUp machine by the door of the church, for those of you who wish to give contactlessly: Simply power on, enter the amount you wish to give on the screen, and then tap your card.