‘Providence and the Christian Life’ – Prof. David Fergusson (Regius Professor of Divinity, University of Cambridge)

‘On Conversion: Reflections On How To Imagine And Narrate Change Theologically’

Prof Luke Bretherton is the Robert E. Cushman Distinguished Professor of Moral and Political Theology and Senior Fellow of the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University.

Dr. Anna Westin speaking on the topic, ‘For the Wounded: Trauma and the Paradox of Hope’ based on her latest book, Embodied Trauma and Healing: Critical Conversations on the Concept of Health and Rupture.

'The Church of England Today - Where Does the History Really Get Us?'

Revd Dr Canon Jeremy Morris presents on his latest work A People’s Church: A History of the Church of England.

'Entering the Sacred World of Leviticus'

Revd Dr Mark Scarlata speaks on his latest book, A Journey Through the World of Leviticus: Holiness, Sacrifice and the Rock Badger (Cascade, 2021).

'The Gospel of John'

Regius Professor David Ford speaks on his latest book, The Gospel of John: A Theological Commentary.

'I Saw Data Fall Like Lightning: A Hamartiology of Algorithmic Bias'  

Dr Rachel Siow Robertson is Research Associate at The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, and also teaches as Director of Studies in Philosophy at St Catharine’s College, University of Cambridge. Dr Matthew Kuan Johnson is a philosopher at the University of Oxford who works on virtue theory, empathy & moral imagination, AI ethics, embodiment & philosophy of mind, and Asian Multiracial Theology. 
'Ethics and Empathy'

Former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Willams.

‘“Where There Is Darkness…”: Towards A Better Understanding of Suicide’ – Dr Cherrie Coghlan (Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ Special Interest Group on Psychiatry & Spirituality). [Talk transcript here. Support services list here.]

'The Merciful Humility of God'

Dr Jane Willams speaks on her book, The Merciful Humility of God.

For more talks see our YouTube Channel

‘The Crown Uncovered’ – Rev’d Canon William Gulliford (St Mark’s, Regent’s Park)

William has put together a study guide to introduce the origins and significance of the Coronation of Charles III in 2023. His talk will explain something of the history of the rite, and will draw on the scholarship of a range of experts – biblical scholars, liturgists, and sociologists – to help those who witnessed the first coronation for seventy years, more fully understand its mysteries, beauty, and significance.