Services This Week

Dear All,

Services this week are taking place in person or via livestream through our YouTube Channel. Please find gathering times and service sheet links below:

Friday 20 October
10.30am - BCP Holy Communion (Revd Dr Mark Scarlata)

Sunday 22 October / Twentieth Sunday After Trinity
11am - Holy Communion
Sermon: ‘Show Me Your Glory!’
Service Sheet: Here

Other news:

Scriptorium: Meeting in St Edward’s church on Tuesdays and Wednesdays 9am-4:30pm weekly during University of Cambridge term-times, the Scriptorium is a structured prayer & study group for postgraduate students and researchers. If you are interested in attending please contact the Church Administrator or visit our webpage for further details.

Convivium: A new midweek group starts at St Edward’s from this Thursday evening. Convivum will meet weekly on Thursdays at 6pm in the church for a time of loosely-structured worship & prayer and a relaxed meal. Those who are new to Cambridge or the St Edward’s church community are especially welcome! Please contact the Church Administrator for more details here.

Volunteer Rota: In addition to the sign-up sheet in church, we are making it easier to volunteer by attaching an online rota with the weekly email here. (N.B. There will be an initial delay before access is granted to the form, in order that only church members can see and edit it.) Please do consider if you are able to help out in any of the ways listed – we are particularly in need of regular volunteers to set-up tea and coffee and stay a little longer after each service to wash-up/leave away. If you have any queries please speak to Peter on Sunday. Many thanks!

Giving: As always we are grateful for all of your gifts! Offerings may still be given during this time via a basket collection during live services, Standing Orders, or one time bank transfer, via BACS [SORT: 20-17-19 / ACCT #: 30851477 – “St Edwards Church Vestry Fund”]. There is now also a SumUp machine by the door of the church, for those of you who wish to give contactlessly: Simply power on, enter the amount you wish to give on the screen, and then tap your card.

Exciting Holiness (Wednesday 18 October):

St Luke the Evangelist was a dear friend of the apostle Paul, and is mentioned by him three times in his Letters. Paul describes him as ‘the beloved physician’ and, in his second Letter to Timothy, as his only companion in prison. He is believed to be the author of two books of the New Testament, firstly the gospel which stands in his name and also the Acts of the Apostles. Luke’s narrative of the life of Christ has a pictorial quality and shows the sequential pattern from the nativity through to the death and resurrection. The developed sense of theology that comes over in Paul’s writings is virtually unknown in those of Luke but, as a Gentile, Luke makes clear that the good news of salvation is for all, regardless of gender, social position or nationality.

Almighty God, you called Luke the physician, whose praise is in the gospel, to be an evangelist and physician of the soul: by the grace of the Spirit and through the wholesome medicine of the gospel, give your Church the same love and power to heal; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


Services This Week


Services This Week